========================================================================= Date: Thu, 1 Apr 1993 09:57:25 CET Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "Hilger Martin Dr." Subject: formatting Date-fields, REPORTS 1) When trying to format a date-filed with "ww" I realized that there's always one week to much showing. i.e. January 3rd 1994 will start the 1st week of 1994 but Access shows week no 53 in my report. Is this a known bug? 2) When I put 18 of the same sub-report into my main report Access can show my report in the preview but when printing I get a message saying "No more tables can be opened!" and this 9 times. I have used two fields to connect the sub-report to the main-report. All in all I don't use more than 5 - 10 tables that are joined into two queries and I should be able to open 254 tables at the same time. What's the reason for this message? Why will I get NO message when displaying the report but get one when printing? Why is it possible to print the report without messagebox when using a macro that just prints the report without displaying it first? We DO like Access but it REALLY is slow. My database is some 300kB but saving it or opening my report takes 10 - 15 seconds with no more than some dozens of records. Has anybody heard if Access 1.1 will be somewhat faster (more like FoxPro 2.5)??? Any hint appreciated. ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 2 Apr 1993 14:23:00 EST Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "Todd M. O'Reilly" Subject: Menu Shortcuts & Bugs? Hi! I've been using MS-Access for a few months now since its early beta stages and have a couple questions. I'm working on a relatively large scale database now with about 100 odd tables an corresponding data entry forms. The question I have is: Is there a way to make a "form template"? I use the FormWizards to construct the basis of my form and then change a couple lines (that remain standard form to form) from data entry lines to combo boxes. Making those combo-boxes gets tedious esp. working with this @#%@#! 386/20! (I'm really, *REALLY* pushing for a 486/33 at /least/). Any form shortcuts are appreciated. Also: I keep hearing about the bugs that are supposed to be found throughout Access (that's everyone's complaint) -- I haven't run in to any myself though. Has anyone else encountered any? -Todd M. O'Reilly ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 3 Apr 1993 11:23:20 -0800 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Dmitry Serebrennikov Subject: Form shortcuts / reusability In-Reply-To: <9304022210.AA18802@nettlerash.berkeley.edu> from "Todd M. O'Reilly" at Apr 2, 93 02:23:00 pm > I'm working on a relatively large scale database now with > about 100 odd tables an corresponding data entry forms. The question > I have is: Is there a way to make a "form template"? I use the > FormWizards to construct the basis of my form and then change a couple > lines (that remain standard form to form) from data entry lines to > combo boxes. Making those combo-boxes gets tedious esp. working with > this @#%@#! 386/20! (I'm really, *REALLY* pushing for a 486/33 at > /least/). Any form shortcuts are appreciated. I just want to join in this question about shortcuts and in general reusability of MSAccess code. I am not up to experiment in this area right now but I realize how greate it would be to have some ability to create development tools and reuse code. My question can be devided: 1) Development Tools: I know that one can create Access Libraries just like the Wizards and use them for development. Moreover things like color pallite and property box (I suspect all of the forms that are used in access programming) are defined as forms in Utility.MDA file. I didn't find any code there though. Did anyone mess with this aspect and if so I would appreciate a coment on the experience. 2) Reusability: I don't know but it seems to me that you preaty much have to develop any new database from scratch. There is no such thing as "tweak it alittle for new client". That's sad... I find that macro code is too form/table specific to be reused in other forms or databases. I am new to the object world. Could some of you share your thoughts about reusability in Access (or in general in object environment). What are the ways you've came up with to wright a reusable code in Access. Thanks. Dmitry Serebrennikov dmitry@ucsee.berkeley.edu ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 4 Apr 1993 20:28:05 -0700 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Joern Wettern Subject: Help needed: add to two tables from one form I struggled with this for a half a day and I'm stuck. Any help will be appreciated: I am trying to enter data from one form into two tables that form a one-to-one relationship. The tables are linked via a field called "Number", which is a counter in Table 1 and an integer in Table 2. Table 2 only contains matching records for some of the records in Table 1. I createed a query that combines the two tables (all fields) and created a form based on that query. I want to use it to enter data in both tables. Thus, the counter for table one should be incremented automatically and the integer field in Table 2 should get the same value as the counter field in Table 1. I tried all kinds of things. It appears that the counter gets only incremnted when the record is added. At this point the integer field is still zero, so I get an error that I am entering a null value for an index field. If I don't allow editing in all tables, I can make it work, but that defeats the whole purpose of this form. I hope I'm making myself clear. Again, I'd very much appreciate any help or pointers towards a possible solution. -- -- Joern -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joern Wettern jwettern@techbook.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 5 Apr 1993 02:11:47 -0700 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Dmitry Serebrennikov Subject: Re: Help needed: add to two tables from one form In-Reply-To: <9304050439.AA27977@nettlerash.berkeley.edu> from "Joern Wettern" at Apr 4, 93 08:28:05 pm > > I struggled with this for a half a day and I'm stuck. Any help will be > appreciated: > I am trying to enter data from one form into two tables that form a > one-to-one relationship. The tables are linked via a field called "Number", > which is a counter in Table 1 and an integer in Table 2. Table 2 only > contains matching records for some of the records in Table 1. > I createed a query that combines the two tables (all fields) and created a > form based on that query. I want to use it to enter data in both tables. > Thus, the counter for table one should be incremented automatically and the > integer field in Table 2 should get the same value as the counter field in > Table 1. Sounds like a perfect case for a subform. Is that how you have it setup? I think subforms handle the problem you encounter somehow. Even if you can't use the subforms, maybe you can use the same method they use... Just a stab in the dark... Dmitry Serebrennikov dmitry@ucsee.berkeley.edu ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 5 Apr 1993 02:18:49 -0700 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Dmitry Serebrennikov Subject: Print report on Dynaset of a form I don't know -- it seems there has to be a way to do tthis easily, but... I have a form (base on a querry) that pulls out records from the main table according to a criteria (between two dates etc.). I disply these records in a list box and let user pick a record. Then I pull out a bigger form where the whole record is displied and user can edit it. All is perfect. Now I want to print a report, listing all those records that are between two dates. Say mailing lables. The way I had to do it is to run the same query second time. But I already had done that! I already have a form which dynaset is just the records I need! How can I make my report read this dynaset and use it? Reports don't have .dynaset property and I don't know any other way. Any thoughts on this?.. Any comment is appreciated. Dmitry Serebrennikov dmitry@ucsee.berkeley.edu ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BTW, how do you make elm read .signature file??? ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 5 Apr 1993 08:58:18 -0500 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "JUDITH NICHOLLS, ACCESS" Subject: grouping Can anyone help me with grouping? I'm writing a report in which I do some grouping and sorting, but at a lower level I want grouping but not sorting. Database experts here say that should be supported and some remarks about ACCESS indicate that it is, but I only see a way to group and sort. Here's the issue. I have a certain field that changes within a group and I want a new header whenever that field changes, but I don't want to sort on that field -- just print a header based on the fact that it changed. I can't figure out how to do it. Any help appreciated, Judy Nicholls nicholls@fnal.fnal.gov ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 5 Apr 1993 16:23:40 BST Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "Anne L Zorner R27.G5/" Subject: re grouping and sorting SQL Support Section (SQS) Mail ALZ@UK.AC.RL.IB =============================================================== Having just had a look at the spec for the standard ISO 9075 (SQL86) group by does not imply order by, however this does not mean that a sort should not be used to get the groupings. Afterall the group by is easiest to achieve using a sort especially if the grouping is not against the PK or any index. col1 col2 sum(col3) abb aa 33 abc ab 34 abc ac 30 is a perfectly valid result to select col1,col2,sum(col3) from x group by col1,col2 is the above query what you are trying to use? or do you want select col1,col2,sum(col3) from x group by col1 this is last is not valid. However that is all according to the standard, I am not sure what aspects ACCESS adheres to. Anne Thankyou =============================================================== ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 5 Apr 1993 10:58:49 -0500 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "JUDITH NICHOLLS, ACCESS" Subject: Re: re grouping and sorting Well, I'm using the word "group" as an English word. What I'm trying to do is create a report the way I want it created. I want to sort on, say, col1, but have the report writer create a header when the contents of col2 change. By "grouping" I mean I want a header put on top, without sorting, and I know I need a header because col2 changed. There is a kind of natural grouping or this would be crazy. Here's an explanation. I have thousands of slides. In my report I want to sort on roll date and picture number. Sometimes all of the slides within a roll are not related to each other, or on the same "trip." So I've defined a trip table. The problem with the sorting is I've defined a "not-a-trip" kind of default trip for those random pictures you take of your dog or cat or kid. But I don't want to sort on trip date because I want them in picture number order, but I do want a header when the trip number changes. How do I get this header without sorting? Judy ============== From: "Anne L Zorner R27.G5/" Subject: re grouping and sorting To: Multiple recipients of list ACCESS-L SQL Support Section (SQS) Mail ALZ@UK.AC.RL.IB =============================================================== Having just had a look at the spec for the standard ISO 9075 (SQL86) group by does not imply order by, however this does not mean that a sort should not be used to get the groupings. Afterall the group by is easiest to achieve using a sort especially if the grouping is not against the PK or any index. col1 col2 sum(col3) abb aa 33 abc ab 34 abc ac 30 is a perfectly valid result to select col1,col2,sum(col3) from x group by col1,col2 is the above query what you are trying to use? or do you want select col1,col2,sum(col3) from x group by col1 this is last is not valid. However that is all according to the standard, I am not sure what aspects ACCESS adheres to. Anne Thankyou =============================================================== ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 5 Apr 1993 11:02:50 PDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Jim Renaud Subject: Re: Form shortcuts / reusability > > 2) Reusability: I don't know but it seems to me that you preaty much > have to develop any new database from scratch. There is no such > thing as "tweak it alittle for new client". That's sad... > I find that macro code is too form/table specific to be reused in > other forms or databases. I am new to the object world. Could some > of you share your thoughts about reusability in Access (or in > general in object environment). > What are the ways you've came up with to wright a reusable code > in Access. > > Thanks. > Dmitry Serebrennikov dmitry@ucsee.berkeley.edu > I have one comment about this. I try to make most of my "common fields" on forms and reports use the same field/control names so that I can easily remember them (e.g., I use OrderNumber to always refer to an order number, no matter which form it is on). The problem I get into is that I could reuse some macros if the "Form" (active form) syntax was allowed in all cases. Sometimes when there is an active form, Access won't let me use the "Form." syntax to reference it. I typically end up using "Form![FormName]!FieldName" to reference the proper field. Because of this, I can't use a common macro for two different forms. I think there is another way to refer to the active form, but I have not looked into it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Jim Renaud [Standard Disclaimer] Amdahl Corporation M/S 205 Phone: 408-992-2662 Bldg. M3 Room 235 Fax: 408-773-0833 1230 E. Arques Avenue Email: wiseguy@mcode.amdahl.com Sunnyvale, CA 94088-3470 ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 5 Apr 1993 11:51:58 -0700 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Dmitry Serebrennikov Subject: Re: Form shortcuts / reusability In-Reply-To: <9304051800.AA14136@nettlerash.berkeley.edu> from "Jim Renaud" at Apr 5, 93 11:02:50 am > Sometimes when there is an active form, Access won't let me use the "Form." > syntax to reference it. I typically end up using "Form![FormName]!FieldName" > to reference the proper field. Because of this, I can't use a common macro > for two different forms. I think there is another way to refer to the active > form, but I have not looked into it. > One way I know is Screen.ActiveForm (also Screen.AcitveReport etc). The problem is that there isn't always an active form on the screen esp. when using macros for dialog boxes -- then your dialog box IS the active form and there isn't any way except the explicit Forms!... to refer to the form that called the dialog. BTW, how are your dialog boxes? Mine aren't too good. I tried to do them a couple of times and they require a tripple twist of brian to program and then they never work too good. They come out slow, clamsy and unstable. If there is only one thing to input or just a few buttons -- then I use AccessBasic's MsgBox and InputBox. Those are good. But if I need to supply criteria for a query (like two dates and two statuses between which I want the data to be included in the search) I didn't find any better way then create a form and drive it with macros. Do you, people, think there is a better way? Any experience? ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 5 Apr 1993 14:15:48 -0700 Reply-To: robert@slipknot.rain.com Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Robert Reed Subject: Re: Help needed: add to two tables from one form Joern Wettern writes: | I am trying to enter data from one form into two tables that form a | one-to-one relationship. The tables are linked via a field called "Number", | which is a counter in Table 1 and an integer in Table 2. Table 2 only | contains matching records for some of the records in Table 1. | I createed a query that combines the two tables (all fields) and created a | form based on that query. I want to use it to enter data in both tables. | Thus, the counter for table one should be incremented automatically and the | integer field in Table 2 should get the same value as the counter field in | Table 1. | I tried all kinds of things. It appears that the counter gets only | incremnted when the record is added. At this point the integer field is | still zero, so I get an error that I am entering a null value for an index | field. If I don't allow editing in all tables, I can make it work, but that | defeats the whole purpose of this form. | I hope I'm making myself clear. Again, I'd very much appreciate any help or | pointers towards a possible solution. I had a very similar problem with my phone database which comprises a table of names and one of addresses, which have an M-to-1 relationship. The address table uses a counter as a unique ID and the names table has a number field which links each name record to an address record. A query binds the two together for use in a form, but adding new records to the form would set the counter field in the new address record, but not set the link number in the new record in the names field. My solution was to execute the following function as the "After Update" handler for the form: Function linkNameAddr() Dim ds as Database, n As Table, a As Table Set ds = CurrentDB() Set n = ds.OpenTable("Name") n.MoveLast if IsNull(n.ADR) Then Set a = ds.OpenTable("Address") a.MoveLast n.Edit n.ADR = a.ADR n.Update End If End Function This function relies on the fact that adding a new record to the form adds a new record to the end of each of the underlying tables. After every change is made to the form, this function checks the ADR field in the last record of the Names table. If it's null, the function sets it to ADR ID in the last record of the Address table which is presumed to be the correct one. ________________________________________________________________________________ Robert Reed Home Animation Ltd. 503-656-8414 robert@slipknot.rain.com 5686 First Court, West Linn, OR 97068 My friend George is a radio announcer. When he walks under a bridge, you can't hear him talk. --Steve Wright ________________________________________________________________________________ ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1993 10:15:00 PDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Detlef Schwenke Subject: AW: Print report on Dynaset of a form >I have a form (base on a querry) that pulls out records from the main table >according to a criteria (between two dates etc.). I disply these records in >a list box and let user pick a record. Then I pull out a bigger form where >the whole record is displied and user can edit it. All is perfect. Now I >want to print a report, listing all those records that are between two dates. >Say mailing lables. The way I had to do it is to run the same query second >time. But I already had done that! I already have a form which dynaset is >just the records I need! How can I make my report read this dynaset and use >it? Reports don't have .dynaset property and I don't know any other way. I know the problem and I have a (dirty) solution to it: Add a field to your table which is called for e.g. 'Tag'. Then edit your Query-Makro (if you use a Makro) in the following way: Replace all Tag-Fields in your table with '0'. Run the query. Replace all Tag-Fields with 'X'. Only the selected records have an 'X' in the Tag-field. Print the report with the SQL-Statement 'where Tag=X'. It's working, but I would prefer a better solution too. Greetings Detlef Schwenke E-Mail: Schwenke@DMRHRZ11.bitnet or Philipps-University Marburg Schwenke@Mailgate.Wiwi.Uni-Marburg.De Universitaetsstr. 25 Phone: +49-06421-283748 W-3550 Marburg Fax: +49-06421-284858 Germany ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1993 14:28:51 BST Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "Anne L Zorner R27.G5/" Subject: re grouping etc SQL Support Section (SQS) Mail ALZ@UK.AC.RL.IB =============================================================== Ah now I understand what you want, if I was using QMF on the mainframe I would say that what you want is to sort by col1 in the query and then break on col1 and then subsequently break on col2.Or logically you are sorting on film, then slide number, but you want the information split according to film and trip. I know I could do it automatically in QMF but Access appears to say that in order to Group you must have sorted first, I wondered whether you could use a subform but the problem is still that the reports grouping is a true grouping and not just something that allows a break according to a value. Sorry but apart from writing something in access basic I cant see a way of helping. A solution would be very useful for some of the things we need as well. Regards Anne Thankyou =============================================================== ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1993 14:23:00 GMT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: CALLAHAN Subject: Dynamic linking to tables I'd like to use the value of a field as the name of a table. For example, on page 19 of the Access User's Guide, I would want to use the Category Name field in the top Products table to open another table named Beverages or Condiments instead of having a single table named Categories. I think I can do this with Access Basic, but I'm not entirely clear on how. And is there an easier way to do this? Thanks. --michael-- callahan%dialog@mcimail.com ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1993 12:42:55 EST Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Nathan Brindle Organization: IUPUI Student Activities Office (317) 274-3931 Subject: LISTSERV 1.7f NEW FEATURES Please note: This message is of use only to those users who are directly subscribed to ACCESS-L (i.e., their ID and name appear in the ACCESS-L LIST that can be reviewed via LISTSERV's REVIEW command). If you are subscribed via a local mail redistribution daemon, you will not be able to set these options. There are a couple of new features provided by LISTSERV version 1.7f that I want to let users know about. One is an automatic digest feature which makes it possible for uses to receive a digest of the list one time rather than receiving individual messages throughout each day. To access this feature, send the command SET ACCESS-L DIGEST to LISTSERV@INDYCMS.BITNET. You will receive a digest each week of the past week's messages. For ACCESS-L, the digest is compiled and sent on Friday. You can also ask for an index of the week's postings, which will include date and time, number of lines, name/id of poster, and subject for each posting. This has been provided as an alternative to SET NOMAIL (usually used by people going on vacation so as not to fill up their mailboxes while they are gone). The digestification and indexing features may be changed to Daily if traffic warrants. At the moment, it doesn't. If you are unfamiliar with LISTSERV command, I strongly urge that you retreive the file LISTSERV GENINTRO from the listserver. This can be done by addressing a mail message to LISTSERV@INDYCMS.BITNET (or LISTSERV@INDYCMS.IUPUI.EDU) with no subject line and the single command: INFO GENINTRO as the body of the message. (LISTSERV will ignore .sig lines, etc., that follow the command.) Nathan Brindle Listowner, ACCESS-L -----------------------------------------------------BITNET: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS Nathan C. Brindle, Student Activities Office Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis Staff Advisor, ALPHA PHI OMEGA, TAU OMICRON CHAPTER List Owner, STUACTS@INDYCMS, APOSEC52@INDYCMS, and ACCESS-L@INDYCMS Internet: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS.IUPUI.EDU or NBRINDLE@INDYVAX.IUPUI.EDU ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1993 15:28:30 -0700 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Dmitry Serebrennikov Subject: Re: Dynamic linking to tables In-Reply-To: <9304061444.AA11050@nettlerash.berkeley.edu> from "CALLAHAN" at Apr 6, 93 02:23:00 pm > > I'd like to use the value of a field as the name of a table. For example, > on page 19 of the Access User's Guide, I would want to use the Category > Name field in the top Products table to open another table named Beverages > or Condiments instead of having a single table named Categories. > > I think I can do this with Access Basic, but I'm not entirely clear on > how. And is there an easier way to do this? > I think you might get away with basing your form on a query which takes arguments and uses them to reference the table it selects from. I am not an SQL expert (to say the least) but I would create a query for one particular table and grab it's SQL definition and change the references to this table to some thing like: SELECT Forms![common].[UseTable] * WHERE ... Just a guess, maybe it'll point in the right direction.... Good luck PS. Why would you want to do this anyway?! I think with BASIC it is easer -- it'll let you open tables with names specified in text string, which you can create any way you pleased. Dmitry Serebrennikov dmitry@ucsee.berkeley.edu ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1993 20:14:50 EDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Alex Barker Subject: Access file format? Is there a DLL available with a published interface for reading Access files? Or, if not, is the file specification available, and if so, where? A friend is porting an archaeological statistics package to Windows, and wants users to be able to import Access files (at my request). Any help would be greatly appreciated, especially if any Microsoft folks are out there. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Alex W. Barker BITNET: USERLJPD@UMICHUM Museum of Anthropology INTERNET: Alex.Barker@um.cc.umich.edu University of Michigan CompuServe: 70142,2172 Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1079 (313) 764-0485 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 7 Apr 1993 13:28:10 CST Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "Brian M. Glasgow" Organization: MU Dept of Veterinary Med. & Surg. Subject: Video Driver Conflicts Has anyone experienced General Protection Faults while using Access in Windows running in more than 16 colors? I have seen windows crash on two systems (Zeos 486 dx2 66 local bus video with a Viper card running 16 million colors and a 386 clone w/ a generic 1 meg card using 256 colors.) both times it was reported that a GPF occurred involving the Video driver. I have never seen this problem in 16 color mode. If you know a fix to this PLEASE let me know, running a Viper card in 16 colors is PAINFUL. thanks BRIAN ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 7 Apr 1993 16:03:59 EDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Ron Todd Subject: Re: Video Driver Conflicts No conflicts experianced yet, the set-up here consists of Zeos 486 dx2 66 local bus video but with the NCR 77E22 card running in 600x800x256 mode. Softmode and video bios shadowing are both being used but rom bios is currently turned off. BTW I am running with 16meg ram and 50k swapfile. I noticed that CICA has version 1.01 drivers for the Viper in their directory, these were loaded March 18, 1993 and are in file viper101.exe in the /pub/pc/win3/drivers/video direcory. Maybe an ftp session will help the viper users. Regards, Ron Todd ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 7 Apr 1993 17:07:00 MST Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: CRANDERS@UTAHCCA.BITNET Subject: Re: Video Driver Conflicts Brian, I'm using a 386 dx 33, 4 meg ram, 256 colors, orchid Prodesigner IIs video card, 800 x 600 res., but have had no problems with access general protection faults. I have experienced occasional GPFs during CompuServe sessions, but don't see that it is related to the problem you mention. -Chris ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 8 Apr 1993 13:07:31 AEST Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "JULIAN BOOT, UNIVERSITY BOOKSHOP" Subject: Re: Video Driver Conflicts I have not had any GPF's but Access would hang every time I tried to view a 24-BIT image in 256 colours in the form I created. I was using a ET4000 chipset with corresponding driver for 800x600x256col - Admittedly the driver was a prelease 3.1 version. The most up to date driver seems to be essential. Similar problems seem to be occuring with printer drivers. My problem was only temporary as I have since changed my video card. You did not mention what res you were running but I have heard of conflicts in general in 800x600 - the standards aren't as concrete. Have you tried other resolutions. Regards ################################################# # Julian Boot # # University of Qld # # Brisbane Australia # # j.boot@uqvax.cc.uq.edu.au # ################################################# ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 7 Apr 1993 09:44:45 +0100 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Ricardo Jorge Pereira SUBSCRIBE Ricardo Pereira HELP INDEX ACCESS ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 8 Apr 1993 08:54:18 EDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Ron Todd Subject: Re: Video Driver Conflicts Speek of the devil! After replying yesterday that I have not experianced any GPFs during Access use I went home to work on my database and experiance one of these events. The specific event was reported by PCTools 7.1 Wntsrmgr (Windows TSR Manager) which was only supporting Datamon with Sentry enabled at the time. Chkdsk found no problems. I was only viewing tables so no work was lost. Unfortunately DRWatson was off so I don't have a record to follow. I guess that I'll have to change my procedures slightly so this might be resolved. Based on the responses to date, I am not convinced that Access is at fault. Ron Todd ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 7 Apr 1993 15:11:00 LCL Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: ADAIR Subject: t ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 8 Apr 1993 15:35:57 -0700 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Comments: Warning -- original Sender: tag was lcornell@STEIN.U.WASHINGTON.EDU From: "Linda D. Cornell" Subject: Re: Comparisons with Paradox & Foxpro In-Reply-To: <9303262033.AA20410@stein.u.washington.edu> Hi there, We're trying to make the decision between Paradox and Access. I have someone who knows Access, but I don't have anyone available who knows Paradox - but that doesn't mean we can't learn it readily enough. I guess what I would like to know is if anyone has encountered any "insurmountable" problems/bugs/features in either of these programs. Thanks in advance for any information! Linda Cornell lcornell@u.washington.edu UW Office of Research ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 8 Apr 1993 22:10:15 EST Reply-To: ACCESS-L@INDYCMS.BITNET Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Nathan Brindle Organization: IUPUI Student Activities Office (317) 274-3931 Subject: Paradox vs. Access (reply) The enclosed mail file, found in the ACCESS-L reader and shown under the spoolid 8285 in the console log, has been identified as a possible delivery error notice for the following reason: "Sender:", "From:" or "Reply-To:" field pointing to the list has been found in mail body. I have reposted this message after it was bounced to me as an error. Please avoid leaving old header information in the body of replies. Most mailers have a problem with that. Note that a '*' or any other character placed as shown below will fool the mailer but the usual '> ' won't. The space after the '>' is the problem. Nathan Brindle, Listowner, ACCESS-L *Date: Thu, 8 Apr 93 18:20:22 PDT *From: xrysta@mcode.amdahl.com (Morris Myers) *Message-Id: <9304090120.AA29321@twain> *To: ACCESS-L%INDYCMS.BITNET@pucc.Princeton.EDU *Subject: Re: Comparisons with Paradox & Foxpro > > Hi there, > > We're trying to make the decision between Paradox and Access. I have > someone who knows Access, but I don't have anyone available who knows > Paradox - but that doesn't mean we can't learn it readily enough. > > I guess what I would like to know is if anyone has encountered any > "insurmountable" problems/bugs/features in either of these programs. > > Thanks in advance for any information! > > Linda Cornell > lcornell@u.washington.edu > UW Office of Research > I have experience with both Access and Paradox. For Paradox, I have used both the Windows version and the DOS version. If you are starting from scratch, and you want to use a Windows version of a database product and the choices are Paradox or Access - there is only one choice. Mr Kahn's company did not make a very good product this time. Paradox for Windows is both slow and difficult to use compared to Access. I don't offer this suggestion lightly since I spend a great deal of time developing applications for Paradox 4.0 (DOS). I have been extremely disappointed in the performance of Pdoxwin. I also experience GPFs when performing relatively simple operations, such as defining and testing certain types of reports. I hope Borland will provide an update soon or maybe Microsoft will enhance Access to read Paradox 4.0 tables. The later is my preference. Morris Myers (my opinions are my own and not necessarily those of the amdahl company). -----------------------------------------------------BITNET: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS Nathan C. Brindle, Student Activities Office Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis Staff Advisor, ALPHA PHI OMEGA, TAU OMICRON CHAPTER List Owner, STUACTS@INDYCMS, APOSEC52@INDYCMS, and ACCESS-L@INDYCMS Internet: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS.IUPUI.EDU or NBRINDLE@INDYVAX.IUPUI.EDU ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 8 Apr 1993 20:34:00 LCL Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: ADAIR Subject: SUBSCRIBE DBS Accesslist ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 9 Apr 1993 12:10:21 -0400 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Kha Tran Subject: Re: Paradox vs. Access (reply) > > Hi there, > > We're trying to make the decision between Paradox and Access. I have > someone who knows Access, but I don't have anyone available who knows > Paradox - but that doesn't mean we can't learn it readily enough. > > I guess what I would like to know is if anyone has encountered any > "insurmountable" problems/bugs/features in either of these programs. > > Thanks in advance for any information! > > Linda Cornell > lcornell@u.washington.edu > UW Office of Research > Access and Paradox for Windows are both very good products. Each has its strong points. It really depends on your environment and your taste. One product works well for someone else might not fit your needs. It is best to get both and test drive them. Then return the one you don't want. I switched from Access to Paradox for Windows (PW) recently. I did like Access, but I find its beauty is only skin deep. When you start playing with Access, its ease of use amazes you. Then when you start writing applications for real users, which requires some programming, Access starts to become tedious and difficult. The larger the application, the more tiresome you would get from programming Access, using its macro language and Access Basic. While working with Access, I found PW. At first I wasn't impressed. It is slow on a 4MB RAM machine. Borland recommends 6MB RAM. However a compiled, well written end-user application can run fine on 4MB RAM. Borland really took a risk when not many people have machines with more than 4MB RAM. Borland also didn't provide a smooth migration path for its Paradox for DOS. I think Borland will do something about this soon. It just wants PW to get to the market quick before Access is too popular. Paradox for Windows is a new, robust Object-based database environment. It is Object-based because its predefined objects can be redefined to meet your needs. Programming is really fun when you understand how it works. I like its Container concept, where objects can delegate actions to their containers. Together with custom methods ( user defined behaviors for objects), this Container concept is a big plus for programmers. When you design your applications well, you can take advantage of the new features to enhance reusability and speed. I would predict that user-written PW applications would have equal or better response time than Access applications. For large network applications, PW would win because it is easier to develop and its reusability benefit is larger. In case you are interested, everything in PW is programmable. That is you can have the whole application (forms, reports, databases, tables, tables, queries, methods, procedures, libraries, scripts) in text files. It would be fun if some CASE tools can generate the whole PW application for us in PW's ASCII scripts. Then when we execute the scripts, the whole application is built. This feature also allows you to build application templates. Then you can use the "Search and Replace" utility to update ASCII text files to build specialized applications, if you don't have CASE tools. That is productivity improvement. I continue to stay with PW. I hope to see the SQL support promised by Borland sometime this summer. PW's QBE is fine for me now. But I want to access DB2 and Oracle databases in the near future. It is good that Borland's SQL architecture is supported by IBM, Novell, and other big players. It also covers Microsoft's ODBC. Get both products and do your own evaluation. They are relatively cheap right now. Access is about $100. Borland has a new deal: for $200 you can have both Paradox for Windows and Quatro Pro for Windows (a 3D spreadsheet); Below Zero mail order, 1(800)461-2777, asks for $175. KTran ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 12 Apr 1993 17:08:40 CST Reply-To: jao9w265@aurora.cdev.com Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "John A. Olson" On Fri, 9 Apr 1993 12:10:21 -0400, Kha Tran wrote: >> >> Hi there, >> >> We're trying to make the decision between Paradox and Access. I have >> someone who knows Access, but I don't have anyone available who knows >> Paradox - but that doesn't mean we can't learn it readily enough. >> KTran's response: > >Access and Paradox for Windows are both very good products. >Each has its strong points. It really depends on your environment >and your taste. One product works well for someone else might >not fit your needs. It is best to get both and test drive them. >Then return the one you don't want. > While I agree that writing applications in ACCESS Basic has a long learning curve, I have found it to be quite powerful. The documentation included with the product is only good enough to get you started. After that, it's up to the programmer to become creative enough to make things work. I have not experienced any "insurmountable" bugs yet ( I have been using ACCESS since it first came out last December). I have experienced a few irritating bugs, however. When trying to attach to a Btrieve table, ACCESS has to use the table exclusively for just a second in order to create that attachment. This means that if someone else is currently using that table, you cannot make that attachment until they log out. Once it's attached, however, you won't run into conflicts again, and every time you open the database where this attached table is included, it's still attached. (You don't need to re-attach every time.) Also, when searching for a value in a particular text field, if the data contained in that field has a hyphen as part of it, 123-45 for example, you can't search on it with a string like "123-45", you have to search it in pieces like "123" & "-" & "45". While ACCESS does not support ORACLE yet, I'm told it will be included in the new release coming out this spring. (is it really, MICROSOFT?) :) All in all, I'm quite pleased with ACCESS, although I admit it does REQUIRE 8 MB memory to speed things up. To the rest of you tuning in, I'm a new subscriber and am interested in creating an ACCESS Basic library of sorts. What do you say to including generic functions from time to time so we all can shorten the learning curve? Collectively, we could become ACCESS Gurus :) John A. Olson Internet address: jao9w265@aurora.cdev.com ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1993 11:53:59 EST Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Pekka Koskinen CIMO Subject: Syntax Error & Paradox bugs Hello wolrd! First of all, someone was asking about experience with Paradox for Windows. I tested, tough not very thoroughly, the Beta-version of the product and I came up with one major bug: the report-function wasn't "wysiwyg", i.e. the printed result was always little bit re-sized from the screen design (either bigger or smaller). Making mailing labels was practically impossible with it! But I believe it's got to be fixed in the final version of the product. Then I have a problem with Access: I'm trying to make an update query, where I want the 7 rightmost characters of a certain field to make a new field (which is empty up to this). At the "update to"-line of the new field I have the following expression: = Right$([REFNR]), 7) ("REFNR" is the name of the "certain field"). But the (stupid) program complains about a Syntax Error and refuses to run the query! So, what am I doing wrong? (It's got to be something most simple...) Thank in advance for any help! G'day! Pekka :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) _/_/_/_/ _/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/ "Computers are useless. They" _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ can only give you answers _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ (P. Picasso) _/_/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/_/_/ Pekka Koskinen tel +358-(9)0-7747 7962 fax +358-(9)0-7747 7064 CIMO, P.O. Box 343, 00531 Helsinki, FINLAND ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1993 08:13:24 CST Reply-To: jao9w265@aurora.cdev.com Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "John A. Olson" Subject: Re: Syntax Error & Paradox bugs On Tue, 13 Apr 1993 11:53:59 EST, Pekka Koskinen CIMO wrote: >Then I have a problem with Access: > >I'm trying to make an update query, where I want the 7 rightmost characters >of a certain field to make a new field (which is empty up to this). >At the "update to"-line of the new field I have the following expression: > > = Right$([REFNR]), 7) > >("REFNR" is the name of the "certain field"). But the (stupid) program >complains about a Syntax Error and refuses to run the query! > >So, what am I doing wrong? (It's got to be something most simple...) >Thank in advance for any help! > I believe your problem is that you've got one too many )'s. Try this instead: =Right$(REFNR,7) That should do it for you! Good luck. :) John A. Olson Internet address: jao9w265@aurora.cdev.com ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1993 09:45:43 -0400 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Gary Strohm x324 Organization: Carnegie Group Inc. Subject: MS-Access w/ DB Server We are contemplating using MS-Access as a front end tool in a 10 person reporting and analysis department. We have seen MS-Access work in a 'Stand Alone' mode and feel comfortable with it's capabilities to produce reports, peruse, and sort the DB, develop EIS, etc. We also feel that an architecture which includes a DB Server will suit our requirements for maintenence and control of the department database (which may reach 2 Gig). Being conservative, we would like to see an instance of that type of configuration in operation *before* we purchase any HW or SW. So, in this search, we have contacted the MS-SQL Server, Sybase, and Oracle vendors in the area. We have gathered serveral rumors and are looking for facts. 1) MS-SQL Server under OS/2 is the only one supported. 2) MS-SQL Server is slow, buggy, not well thought out. 3) Sybase as an NLM under Netware 3.11 works. 4) Oracle does (or does not) have a compatable OBDC driver. So, if you have experience, putting any of this together, I'd like to hear about it. -Gary ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1993 09:23:56 PDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "Richard Brown (dickb)" Subject: Re: Syntax Error & Paradox bugs Pekka Koskinen writes |I'm trying to make an update query, where I want the 7 rightmost characters |of a certain field to make a new field (which is empty up to this). |At the "update to"-line of the new field I have the following expression: | | = Right$([REFNR]), 7) | |("REFNR" is the name of the "certain field"). But the (stupid) program |complains about a Syntax Error and refuses to run the query! Delete the closing quotation mark after the field name. It's not supposed to be there. dick brown ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 15 Apr 1993 09:48:22 +0200 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "M. Ederveen" Subject: Advert Hi all! In a magazine in our country I read about an article being published in some countries about ACCESS by Microsoft. This article, so they say, has the ring of an advertisement, but one could also easely read 'between the lines' about massive defects inside the product 1.0. The 'add' promises free update to a more stable version, hints about problems with large databases and suggests the product was actually released too early. Anyone read this add? Comments? Martin. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ing. Martin W. Ederveen | "In the future there will be real | | Hogeschool Eindhoven | thinking machines. | | Rachelsmolen 1 | Yes, but who's thoughts will they | | 5612 MA Eindhoven | be thinking?" | | tel. +31 (40) 605 262 | | | MARTIN@HSE.NL | Quotation from Dr.Who: The Curse | | SURF017@KUB.NL | of Fenric | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1993 09:00:03 MET Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Doumen Jan Subject: What does Access do with scanned images ? Hi all, I'm trying to use a scanned image as a start-up screen for my menu system. I've tried various ways to get it imported properly, but none works. All I get is an image with a very low resolution and dithered colors. When I first import it in the drawing sub-program, everything looks alright, but when I close the drawing-program and ask for an up-date in acces, it makes the image nearly unrecognizable. Anybody who has experience in this or knows how to solve the problem ? -- DeJean. /=============================================================================\ | Doumen Jan jqdoumen@vub.ac.be | | Brussel/Belgium jqdoumen@BBRBFU60.BITNET | \=============================================================================/ ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1993 14:50:27 EDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Wolfgang Foerster Subject: Re: Syntax Error & Paradox bugs I had a similiar problem with syntax errors in MS-ACCESS (US-Version with German WINDOWS 3.1) and I found the reason was a different list separator set in the international settings section of the WIN 3.1 control panel (in Germany it was ";"). So in my case the command for the update query would have been =Right$([REFNR]);7) Wolfang Foerster ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1993 11:59:30 PDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "Richard Brown (dickb)" Subject: Re: Syntax Error & Paradox bugs Oops, make that the closing *parenthesis* after the field name, not quotation mark. ---------- >> From: "Richard Brown dickb" >> Pekka Koskinen writes |I'm trying to make an update query, where I want the 7 rightmost characters |of a certain field to make a new field (which is empty up to this). |At the "update to"-line of the new field I have the following expression: | | = Right$([REFNR]), 7) | |("REFNR" is the name of the "certain field"). But the (stupid) program |complains about a Syntax Error and refuses to run the query! Delete the closing quotation mark after the field name. It's not supposed to be there. dick brown ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1993 13:15:22 EST Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Pekka Koskinen CIMO Subject: Microsoft's ?-documented features... Hello wolrd! Yesterday I came up with the following problem: I tried to make an update query with an expression: = Righ$([REFNR], 7) and Access just kept on complaining about a syntax error tough everything seemed to be exacyly the way described in the manuals. Finally, after trying all the obvious choises I decided to give a try with a not so obvious one. So, I tried the following: = Righ$([REFNR]; 7) amd it worked!!! Then I started thinking that this really doesn't sound like a bug. And I came up with the following explanation: In Windows "Control Panel"/"International" you can define the "List separator". Yeah, I had there ";". That's it! A little while afterwards (why not beforehand!...) I mensioned this to a friend of mine and he said that he'd once got a similiar "fight" with Excel. So, it seems like a "Universal Microsoft Well Documented Piece of Software"... Can hardly wait for finding the next one... Pekka :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) _/_/_/_/ _/ _/_/ _/_/ _/_/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/ _/ _/ _/ "Computers are useless. They" _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ can only give you answers _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ (P. Picasso) _/_/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/_/_/ Pekka Koskinen tel +358-(9)0-7747 7962 fax +358-(9)0-7747 7064 CIMO, P.O. Box 343, 00531 Helsinki, FINLAND ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1993 09:27:25 CET Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "Hilger Martin Dr." Subject: Cuecards, Users Thanks to Dick Brown for helping with the Cuecards-problem. I knew about the winhelp.ini feature but didn't consider it concerning this problem. BTW are there any limits to the number of users defined in a SYSTEM.MDA? I would need to put some 250 users into my system. They certainly would not log in at the same time, I don't expect more than 20 or so of simultaneous logins. So far I haven't done so much in Access Basic but I found no way of making a procedure or function dependable of a certain user or group. Also: is there a way to: .) import NetWare users into Access (I assume the answer is no); this would be a major improvement for most currently available products and I think LAN-Manager administrators would also REALLY like such a feature. .) is it possible to force a new user to define a password after the admin has put him into the Access-system? .) is there really a performance loss in generating queries if there is no primary key defined in the underlying tables? Two proposal for a small improvement: 1) please make those combo-boxes for users, groups a bit longer. It's annoying to scroll to reach the third line in the box!! 2) The graphical design of the cuecards might be fine in standard VGA but it looks horrible in 800x600 or 1024x768 mainly because a cuecard seems to be no "real" window but simulates one. Couldn't MS use a real window for that? Will the cuecard-interface be documented for a common use?? Thanks for all answers in advance Martin ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 15 Apr 1993 18:09:37 -0700 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Comments: Warning -- original Sender: tag was lcornell@STEIN.U.WASHINGTON.EDU From: "Linda D. Cornell" Subject: Networking and Large Files In-Reply-To: <9302262347.AA23876@stein.u.washington.edu> Hi there, Has anyone run into trouble with Access on a Novell network? We're looking at having about 25 users working with this database on a Novell 3.11 network. 3 will be doing data entry, the rest just simple look-ups. Also, is anyone running large tables or lots of tables? What kind of performance or problems have you seen (or hopefully not seen)?! We're getting ready to build a prototype that we will probably need to use in production mode for at least 6 months, and I just wanted to be aware of any hurdles ahead! Thanks in advance for any assistance! Linda Cornell lcornell@u.washington.edu UW Office of Research ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 16 Apr 1993 08:47:58 CET Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "Hilger Martin Dr." Subject: UTILITY.MDA Just got the first issue of a new Access magazine and found that there's a way to change the buttons below the menu just by loading UTILITY.MDA into Access. You can change positions, put new buttons in make some buttons invisible and so on. The author strongly recommends to copy the original .MDA before trying it! Just in case AND because this is an undocumented feature. I have not tried it yet but thought it might be of interest to some who might not know. Regards Martin ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 16 Apr 1993 09:38:13 CET Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "Hilger Martin Dr." Subject: dBASE iV-files, Index When using (not importing) dBASE 4 files in an Access DB: .) Is the performance much worse than with internal Access-tables? .) If there is no index of a dBASE 4-file when "binding" it to my Access-DB, will Access use the dBASE 4-index (MDX) automatically after creating such an index-file? Thanks for any hint in advance Martin ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 16 Apr 1993 09:54:46 PDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "ROBERT GRINNELL, SEATTLE PACIFIC UNIVERSITY" Subject: Re: Advert On Thu, 15 Apr 1993 09:48:22, Martin Ederveen writes: >In a magazine in our country I read about an article being published in >some countries about ACCESS by Microsoft. >This article, so they say, has the ring of an advertisement, but one >could also easely read 'between the lines' about massive defects inside >the product 1.0. The 'add' promises free update to a more stable version, >hints about problems with large databases and suggests the product was >actually released too early. >Anyone read this add? Comments? I believe you are referring to an open letter from Microsoft published in some computer magazines. Yes, it is technically an advertisement. It describes the impending upgrade to Access. I don't have a copy here, but recall that the most significant upgrade features were increasing the maximum size of an Access database from about 120 MB to 1 GB, and the inclusion of a driver for Foxpro databases. (If someone has a copy of the letter in front of them, please append/amend/correct this as appropriate.) Current users of Access are supposed to get this upgrade for the cost of production, etc. I would guess in the $20 - $25 range, but who knows? As far as "massive defects" and "the product was released too early", I guess everyone has to judge for themselves. Personally, I'd rather have the product as it is now, with a cheap upgrade ahead, than still be waiting for it because some features that I don't seem to need right now are still in progress. Robert Grinnell Seattle Pacific University r_grinnell@luke.spu.edu ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 17 Apr 1993 00:58:14 -0400 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: David So Subject: Re: UTILITY.MDA Please tell me which Access magazin you are reading! thanks/david David Y. So Phone: 613-592-2122 x3018 Mitel Corp. Fax : 613-592-4784 350 Legget Drive, Kanata Email: david.so@Software.Mitel.COM Ontario, Canada K2K 1X3 ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 17 Apr 1993 08:48:13 EST Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Nathan Brindle Organization: IUPUI Student Activities Office (317) 274-3931 Subject: Administrivia Sorry to post this to the list. Administrators of mail redistribution subscriptions, please note: I am receiving multiple errors from the following users who do not appear in the ACCESS-L list. I am forced to the conclusion that they are subscribed via a secondary distribution list. If they appear in your list, please delete them. ORLEANS.UUCP!MIKEP -- host not known within the UUCP domain SSHANNY@BEAST -- messages enqueued 14 days, no further attempts to deliver Thanks for your assistance. -----------------------------------------------------BITNET: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS Nathan C. Brindle, Student Activities Office Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis Staff Advisor, ALPHA PHI OMEGA, TAU OMICRON CHAPTER List Owner, STUACTS@INDYCMS, APOSEC52@INDYCMS, and ACCESS-L@INDYCMS Internet: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS.IUPUI.EDU or NBRINDLE@INDYVAX.IUPUI.EDU ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1993 11:13:18 CET Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "Hilger Martin Dr." Subject: ACCESS-Magazine It's the Premier Issue of ACCESS ADVISOR, The Magazine for Using Microsoft Access $ 6.50 US, $ 7.50 Canada ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1993 08:51:41 EDT Reply-To: gatech!hobbes.bsan.bls.com!dawson%harvard@harvunxw.BITNET Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: gatech!hobbes.bsan.bls.com!dawson%harvard@HARVUNXW.BITNET Subject: Re: Administrivia In-Reply-To: <199304171352.AA24306@merlin.gatech.edu>; from "Nathan Brindle" at Apr 17, 93 8:48 am > Sorry to post this to the list. > > Administrators of mail redistribution subscriptions, please note: I am > receiving multiple errors from the following users who do not appear in > the ACCESS-L list. I am forced to the conclusion that they are subscribed > via a secondary distribution list. If they appear in your list, please > delete them. > > ORLEANS.UUCP!MIKEP -- host not known within the UUCP domain This one's my responsibility, and it's been taken care of for days on days. Have you been getting "multiple errors" from this one address, or multiple errors for the whole set of addresses? ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1993 15:20:54 PDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Gene Marshall Subject: Reporting Yes-only Yes/No fields Hi folks, I am trying to place a Yes/No field on a report where if the field is Yes, I would like to print the word "Yes". If the field is No, I don't want anything printed. In the text field I created on the report, I used the expression: =IIF ( [YesNoFieldName] = xxx , "Yes" , " " ) Where xxx is -1, 0, Yes, "Yes", True, you name it. In all cases, the report shows #Error. Am I missing something? -- +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Gene Marshall /-/-/ email: genem@.hp.com | |Hewlett Packard Co., MS 42UN | Tel: 408/447-5282 | |Software Technology Division (SWT) | Fax: 408/447-5039 | |11000 Wolfe Road | AA6IY@N6LDL.CA.USA.NA | |Cupertino, CA 95014 /|\ Bay Area: 147.39+ / 223.96- | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1993 17:24:54 EST Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Nathan Brindle Organization: IUPUI Student Activities Office (317) 274-3931 Subject: Re: Reporting Yes-only Yes/No fields In-Reply-To: Message of Mon, 19 Apr 1993 15:20:54 PDT from You might try a Switch() instead of an IIF(). I had essentially the same problem the other day and solved it in that manner. I honestly don't know for sure if that will work on a Yes/No field, but I would think it should. I would also think that an IIF would work. ! -----------------------------------------------------BITNET: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS Nathan C. Brindle, Student Activities Office Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis Staff Advisor, ALPHA PHI OMEGA, TAU OMICRON CHAPTER List Owner, STUACTS@INDYCMS, APOSEC52@INDYCMS, and ACCESS-L@INDYCMS Internet: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS.IUPUI.EDU or NBRINDLE@INDYVAX.IUPUI.EDU ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1993 17:08:12 -0700 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Brian Henning Subject: Re: Reporting Yes-only Yes/No fields Gene, I reproduced the yes/no problem as you described. I then changed the the control name of the text field to something other then the name of the underlying field and it worked fine. The syntax can be simplified to: =IIf([yesnofield],"Yes","") Brian Henning ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1993 21:08:35 PDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Gene Marshall Subject: Re: Reporting Yes-only Yes/No fields/Fixed In-Reply-To: <9304200017.AA10259@hpcuoa.sv.itc.hp.com>; from "Brian Henning" at Apr 19, 93 5:08 pm Thanks to the three of you who replied to my problem of reporting Yes/No fields. It turns out my problem was that the Yes/No field name was also used as a name of a text field earlier in the report. I'll have to watch that in the future. Thanks again, Gene ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1993 18:01:59 -0700 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Dmitry Serebrennikov Subject: no subject (file transmission) Hello folks. I have found something that disturbes me now about access+Novell combination. My main table has 7000 odd records and about 15 columns. I needed to change one of the columns from Text(10) to Text(15). The database was on the Novell server. (3.0 NetWare I think, but I'm not sure). When I tried to save the changes to the table It went into the "querry running mode" (i.e. displied a blue progress bar on the title bar). It did the first pass preaty fast but the second pass it only ran fast up to 40% completion and then just stoped. After that it was going about 1% per minute until it go to 52% when I just had to interrupt it. It seemed to slow down as it went forward, too! Then I created a new field with the right size and tried to run an Update query to move the data from first field to the second. That operation repeated the first one in the speed. I had to interrupt that one also. The data in the field was almost everywhere "Null" so I've just discarded the old field and left the new one blank, but I won't be able to do this alwais! So, I guess, the question is this: has any of you heard of such slowdown when running an update query on a big database (7000 records) on Novell Network. Do you think it might be a function of the memory on the server or hard disk space? ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1993 09:17:46 EST Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "Amy C. Park" Subject: dBASE IV Attached Tables I use attached tables from dBASE IV quite often in Access. I always keep a backup of my files, as they are very important, but my question is this: If Access crashes while I am working on an attached table (not that I am worried that it will :) ), will my dBASE IV file also be damaged? When I first installed Access, I had problems with it quite often, but lately it has worked much better--no freezing, no General Protection Faults, etc. You have to admit that Access makes a much more impressive report than dBASE IV, don't you? :) --Amy ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1993 19:01:34 EDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Greg Fairnak Organization: The American University Subject: No subject Hello, I was wondering if there were other people on this list. Greg ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1993 21:00:00 EDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Vince Scarafino Subject: Re: re grouping and sorting In-Reply-To: Message of 5 Apr 93 11:58 EDT from "JUDITH NICHOLLS, ACCESS" >Date: 5 April 1993 11:58 edt >From: "JUDITH NICHOLLS, ACCESS" >Subject: Re: re grouping and sorting >Well, I'm using the word "group" as an English word. What I'm trying to do >is create a report the way I want it created. I want to sort on, say, >col1, but have the report writer create a header when the contents of col2 >change. By "grouping" I mean I want a header put on top, without sorting, >and I know I need a header because col2 changed. There is a kind of >natural grouping or this would be crazy. >Here's an explanation. I have thousands of slides. In my report I want to >sort on roll date and picture number. Sometimes all of the slides within a >roll are not related to each other, or on the same "trip." So I've defined a >trip table. The problem with the sorting is I've defined a "not-a-trip" >kind of default trip for those random pictures you take of your dog or cat >or kid. But I don't want to sort on trip date because I want them in >picture number order, but I do want a header when the trip number changes. >How do I get this header without sorting? > Judy Wouldn't a sort order (major to minor) of Film_Roll_Date Picture_Number Trip_Number do what you want? Trip_Number, being the least significant sort field, will leave you with the picture order you want, but cause a group break when Trip_Number changes. Am I missing something here that makes this *not* work? Vince ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1993 21:44:00 EDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: George Byrnes Subject: Menu Bar Separtor Line Can someone tell me how to add a separator line between menuitems on a menu bar? Thanks. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= GEORGE BYRNES, HUMAN STUDIES/LAKESHORE, HUMBER COLLEGE 3199 LAKESHORE BLVD. W., TORONTO, ON. CANADA M8V 1K8 BITNET: BYRNES@HUMBER INTERNET: BYRNES@ADMIN.HUMBERC.ON.CA PHONE: (416) 252-5571 X3324 FAX: (416) 252-8842 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1993 22:01:24 EDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: George Byrnes Subject: Microsfot system Journal Can someone tell me about this journal? Is it an e-journal? If so, which FTP site holds issues? If not, how dows one subscribe? Thanks. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= GEORGE BYRNES, HUMAN STUDIES/LAKESHORE, HUMBER COLLEGE 3199 LAKESHORE BLVD. W., TORONTO, ON. CANADA M8V 1K8 BITNET: BYRNES@HUMBER INTERNET: BYRNES@ADMIN.HUMBERC.ON.CA PHONE: (416) 252-5571 X3324 FAX: (416) 252-8842 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1993 07:45:52 SAT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "Trevor D. Rotzien" Organization: King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, S.A. Subject: Re: No subject In-Reply-To: Message of Sat, 24 Apr 1993 19:01:34 EDT from Hi Greg, There are, in fact, other people on this list... Me for example. Regards, ---------------------------------------------------------------------- trevor d. rotzien marine science group k.f.u.p.m. box 118 water resources & environment division dhahran 31261 the research institute saudi arabia king fahd university of petroleum & minerals email: rsiu42a@saupm00.bitnet office: -966-03-860-4316 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1993 07:49:11 SAT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "Trevor D. Rotzien" Organization: King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, S.A. Subject: Re: Microsfot system Journal In-Reply-To: Message of Sat, 24 Apr 1993 22:01:24 EDT from George, To subscribe to ACCESS-L, simply execute the command: tell listserv at INDYCMS sub ACCESS-L George Byrnes Of course, this assumes your accessing email via VM/CMS. If you're not on VM/CMS, try sending mail containing the following line only: subscribe ACCESS-L George Byrnes I believe one of the two will get you on. Regards, ---------------------------------------------------------------------- trevor d. rotzien marine science group k.f.u.p.m. box 118 water resources & environment division dhahran 31261 the research institute saudi arabia king fahd university of petroleum & minerals email: rsiu42a@saupm00.bitnet office: -966-03-860-4316 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1993 22:24:55 -0700 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: John von Colditz Subject: Re: Microsfot system Journal In-Reply-To: <199304250201.AA06136@halcyon.com> from "George Byrnes" at Apr 24, 93 10:01:24 pm > > Can someone tell me about this journal? Is it an e-journal? If so, which > FTP site holds issues? If not, how dows one subscribe? > George, The Microsoft Systems Journal is a journal, published by Microsoft, aimed primarily at bleeding edge, windows system devleopers. It is not for the faint of heart! Don't know if it is available at any FTP sites. I believe it is about $75/year for six issues. Hope this helps. John... ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1993 08:07:53 PDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "ROBERT GRINNELL, SEATTLE PACIFIC UNIVERSITY" Subject: Re: Menu Bar Separtor Line On Sat, 24 Apr 1993 21:44:00 EDT, George Byrnes >Can someone tell me how to add a separator line between menuitems on a menu >bar? Put a row in your menu macro group, between the items that you want separated. Put a hyphen (-) in the Macro Name column. Robert Grinnell Seattle Pacific University r_grinnell@luke.spu.edu ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1993 09:24:12 PDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "Richard Brown (dickb)" Subject: Re: Menu Bar Separtor Line From Access Help: To create a line between two menu commands, type a hyphen (-) in the Macro Name column between the appropriate menu commands. ---------- |From: George Byrnes |Can someone tell me how to add a separator line between menuitems on |a menu bar? ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1993 08:21:00 CDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Miguel Rivera Subject: Reports and Blank Pages Hi everybody, I have a question about Access reports. I was writing a report on Access but when I preview/print the report the even pages have some lines (-) and there is no DB information in them. Is this is an Access problem? Is there a fix for it or a way to work around the problem? Is it posible to generate 2 or more columns report? Thank you in advance, Miguel A. Rivera AT&T Bell Labs. Naperville, IL. 60563 miguelr@ihlpe.att.com ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1993 09:38:17 EDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Dave Finley Subject: Re: MSJ I currently get MSJ through my company. A few of my thoughts on MSJ, and its usefullness to ACCESS developers, follows: 1.- MSJ, so far, has mostly concentrated on MS-Windows, especially "API"-level level issues. There have been a few good articles on general Windows design issues (s.a., "Designing an Effective User Interface, in the Feb. 93 issue). 2.- Most "language-oriented" articles have covered C/C++. They have started to cover "Visual-Basic", though. 3.- I have yet to see any articles on ACCESS. In time, we'll probably see a few articles. 4.- Currently, MSJ comes out monthly. The subscription rates are: - $34.95 US, for one year (12 issues) - $59.95 US, for two years (24 issues) In short, MSJ is oriented around "lower-level" Windows Programming, using C/C++. If one hopes to find articles on "ACCESS", I would not look here. Especially as there is a "dedicated" ACCESS journal (ACCESS Advisor). ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1993 10:41:08 EDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Dave Finley Subject: Access FTP sites Does anyone of FTP sites for ACCESS Info., such as MicroSoft Tech Notes, Example applications, etc.? ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1993 13:52:02 CET Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "Hilger Martin Dr." Subject: Forms as Dialog-boxes and other problems Hi to all on ACCESS-L and MS-ACCESS! I have some questions: .) Is there any way to put records in a listbox and to get the clicked values without having them put in any other table? .) I found no way to position on a certain record of RecordSource so that when I click on an item in a listbox the value of a certain record will be changed. Now always the first record is the one being changed. I got around this problem by defining a Dynaset showing the one record that's meant to be changed but I don't think this to be very elegant. .) Can I change the User I am while being in a database or do I have to close Access abd start it again? .) Does a user need to have read/change rights for functions used by a form? .) Is there any way to avoid to display the normal table/forms/queries/macros/functions-dialog that's visible from the moment I open a database? Regards Martin ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1993 08:34:13 PDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Tony Tam Subject: Re: Reports and Blank Pages > > Hi everybody, > > I have a question about Access reports. I was writing a report on Access > but when I preview/print the report the even pages have some lines (-) > and there is no DB information in them. Is this is an Access problem? > Is there a fix for it or a way to work around the problem? > I think the report you designed have margins too wide to fit on one page, so access prints the things that don't fit on another page. I think you should design reports for portrait mode with to be 7in wide since the margins are 1in on each side and for landscape, make sure the report is not wider than 10.5in. But you can always play around with the margin settings. > Is it posible to generate 2 or more columns report? > This was mentioned in Access Advisor. You can change the number of columns in the print setup (I think). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- "Never be afraid of asking questions" Tony Tam tonyt@cimsim.berkeley.edu ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1993 08:39:01 -0700 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: John von Colditz Subject: Re: Forms as Dialog-boxes and other problems In-Reply-To: <199304261525.AA07815@halcyon.com> from "Hilger Martin Dr." at Apr 26, 93 01:52:02 pm Martin, In answer to your last question. In the Northwind database that comes with Access, there is a HideToolBar() function to hide the toolbar. In the Autoexec macro, for Northwind, there is a macro command which demonstrates how to hide the database container. Good luck. John Note: To supress the autoexec when you open Northwind, hold down the space key when you open it. ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1993 08:44:01 -0700 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: John von Colditz Subject: Re: Reports and Blank Pages In-Reply-To: <199304261537.AA08111@halcyon.com> from "Tony Tam" at Apr 26, 93 08:34:13 am Note on multi-column reports. The subject is covered in-depth in the premier issue of Inside Microsoft Access. They would probably send it to you for free to evaluate. John ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1993 08:48:58 PDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Jim Renaud Subject: Re: Microsfot system Journal > > > > Can someone tell me about this journal? Is it an e-journal? If so, which > > FTP site holds issues? If not, how dows one subscribe? > > > George, > The Microsoft Systems Journal is a journal, published by Microsoft, > aimed primarily at bleeding edge, windows system devleopers. It is not > for the faint of heart! Don't know if it is available at any FTP sites. > I believe it is about $75/year for six issues. > > Hope this helps. > John... > My last renewal was about half the much money. You can also read the Journal on the Microsoft Developer's Network CD if you ordered it. The preliminary program was $30.00. This year, the CD will cost $200.00 (Preliminary CD owners can get it for $170.00). ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Jim Renaud [Standard Disclaimer] Amdahl Corporation M/S 205 Phone: 408-992-2662 Bldg. M3 Room 235 Fax: 408-773-0833 1230 E. Arques Avenue Email: wiseguy@mcode.amdahl.com Sunnyvale, CA 94088-3470 ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1993 10:52:51 EST Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Nathan Brindle Organization: IUPUI Student Activities Office (317) 274-3931 Subject: Tech notes and so forth There is a file on Microsoft's BBS called ALLFILES.EXE in the Access files area that has a large number of technical notes in it. If I can get a filelist activated for this list, I will make them available via LISTSERV (not FTP, unfortunately). Nathan Brindle Listowner, ACCESS-L -----------------------------------------------------BITNET: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS Nathan C. Brindle, Student Activities Office Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis Staff Advisor, ALPHA PHI OMEGA, TAU OMICRON CHAPTER List Owner, STUACTS@INDYCMS, APOSEC52@INDYCMS, and ACCESS-L@INDYCMS Internet: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS.IUPUI.EDU or NBRINDLE@INDYVAX.IUPUI.EDU ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1993 08:29:23 -0700 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: John von Colditz Subject: Re: MSJ/Access Journals In-Reply-To: <199304261347.AA05695@halcyon.com> from "Dave Finley" at Apr 26, 93 09:38:17 am Access Journals I am currently aware of: Smart Access Pinnacle Publishing, Inc., 1800 72nd Ave S, Suite 217 Kent, WA 98032 $139/year - Aimed at Access Developers/Power Users Inside Microsoft Access Cobb Group 9420 Bunsen Parkway, Suite 300 Louisville, KY 40220 800-223-8720 $59/year - Aimed at everyday Access Users Access Advisor 4010 Morena Blvd., Suite 200 San Diego, CA 92117 800-336-6060 $35/year, $125 with companion disk - Aimed at everyday users Most of these publications are available at discount rates through premier issue subscription cards, or cards included within issues. John ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1993 09:50:57 PDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Tony Tam Subject: Re: Forms as Dialog-boxes and other problems > I have some questions: > > .) Is there any way to put records in a listbox and to get the clicked > values without having them put in any other table? Use an unbound listbox and either specify a query, table or SQL string in the RowSource. > > .) I found no way to position on a certain record of RecordSource so that > when I click on an item in a listbox the value of a certain record will be > changed. Now always the first record is the one being changed. I got around > this problem by defining a Dynaset showing the one record that's meant to > be changed but I don't think this to be very elegant. > If you define a sub form with the link field to be the unbound list box I mentioned before, you can click on a row in the list box and the record with the same key value as the list box would be selected. I don't think I really understand your question here. > .) Can I change the User I am while being in a database or do I have to > close Access abd start it again? I don't think you can. > > .) Does a user need to have read/change rights for functions used by a > form? No, Microsoft posted a 20 page paper on how to protect your database file for distribution. My boss got it off of CompuServe. I think all users just need the Execute permission which is always given. > > .) Is there any way to avoid to display the normal > table/forms/queries/macros/functions-dialog that's visible from the moment > I open a database? > Yes, create an Autoexec macro and call the DoMenuItem macro to goto Windows->Hide Window->... or was it SendKeys ... Look at the sample applications Microsoft shipped with Access. To open their application without it starting the application, hold down the shift key when you open the database file. Look in the Autoexec macro. Hope this helps. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- "Never be afraid of asking questions" Tony Tam tonyt@cimsim.berkeley.edu ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1993 12:57:08 CDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Mark Armitage Subject: Graph Tool I haven't seen any questions on graphs, so either no-one's using them, or I'm doing something stupid. I suspect the latter. I'm trying to create a graph that changes from record to record, like the "Sales by Product" example in the Northwind Database. The only difference (that I can see) is that my graphs will have several lines on. Carrying on with the Northwind analogy, it would be like having a separate line for each salesperson who sold the product. So, I've done this: 1. Create the form which includes the field that I want to use to "link" to the graph [product ID]. 2. Create a query which includes all the fields I want to plot, for example, [date], [amount of sale], [salesperson], plus the field I am going to link with, ([product ID]). 3. Create a graph in the form using the graph tool. Step 3 is where things go horribly wrong. If I set the graph up so that it just shows a single line that shows all sales for the product (ie I don't include [salesperson] in the list of things to graph), then it all works fine. If I include [saleperson] in the list of things to graph (with the intention of getting one line for each salesperson), then I am not given the option of linking [product ID] on the form with [product ID] in the query. The [product ID] just doesn't appear in the right hand box when I am asked to specify the fields to link. So, what am I doing wrong, and more generally, what do you need to do to make the graph tool let you create graphs with multiple lines on each graph ? Thanks for any suggestions. Mark Armitage ma@tadpole.com ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 25 Apr 1993 14:59:34 -0400 Reply-To: pjohnson@jabba.uucp Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Palmer Johnson Organization: Windsors Users Consortium Subject: Microsoft Database Discussion List You have a user....artwoods!woods!jabba.uucp@cs.uwindsor.ca his system has gone down.... He has asked to to ask you to PLEASE STOP sending him the mail.... When he get back-up is will re-subscribe... as he is also going to change his system name as there is a woods already sysadmin Jabba Palmer Johnson Please forward mail to Windsor, Ont. UUCP: cs.uwindsor.ca!jabba!pjohnson InterNet pjohnson@access.cs.uwindsor.ca ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 26 Apr 1993 22:42:52 EST Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Nathan Brindle Organization: IUPUI Student Activities Office (317) 274-3931 Subject: Re: Microsoft Database Discussion List In-Reply-To: Message of Sun, 25 Apr 1993 14:59:34 -0400 from On Sun, 25 Apr 1993 14:59:34 -0400 Palmer Johnson said: >You have a user....artwoods!woods!jabba.uucp@cs.uwindsor.ca > >his system has gone down.... > >He has asked to to ask you to PLEASE STOP sending him the mail.... > He is not directly subscribed to the list. Will whoever is redistributing him ACCESS-L traffic please take care of this? Thanks. Nathan Brindle Listowner, ACCESS-L -----------------------------------------------------BITNET: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS Nathan C. Brindle, Student Activities Office Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis Staff Advisor, ALPHA PHI OMEGA, TAU OMICRON CHAPTER List Owner, STUACTS@INDYCMS, APOSEC52@INDYCMS, and ACCESS-L@INDYCMS Internet: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS.IUPUI.EDU or NBRINDLE@INDYVAX.IUPUI.EDU ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1993 09:06:36 +0100 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Robert A Nicholls Subject: VB to Access DDE communications A couple of weeks ago I posted a question to Usenet concerning communicating between VB and MSACCESS using DDE. The answers I received at that time allowed me to get a prototype of my project working. However, during this process I have come up with new problems. 1) There seems to be a limit of 255 characters for a DDE Topic string.Is this inherent in all DDE systems or just peculiar to MSACCESS or VB? 2) It is easy to query an Access database from VB using the DDE SQL command, (provided the above limitation is overcome by using short field and table names) but how is one meant to update a database? a) A DDE SQL UPDATE command does not seem to work. b) Initiating an Access macro using a DDE Execute command from VB cannot be used because when the macro requests information from VB using a second DDE channel the programs dead lock until time-outs occur. (The VB to Access channel has to close before the Access to VB channel is initiated, I guess.) c) Access does not allow VB to DDE POKE the information. The way I eventually managed to update a database was by sending key- strokes from VB to Access using the SendKeys command. This technique has the problem that Access cannot be minimised and it must always be in a state ready to respond to the sequence of key-strokes VB sends. Are all the above statements correct or have I made incorrect assumptions? Are there any better work arounds to the above? Are there any signs of an ODBC driver for Access? Bob ran@doc.ic.ac.uk ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1993 10:52:40 CET Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "Hilger Martin Dr." Subject: Re: Reports and Blank Pages > I have a question about Access reports. I was writing a report on Access > but when I preview/print the report the even pages have some lines (-) > and there is no DB information in them. Is this is an Access problem? > Is there a fix for it or a way to work around the problem? Try to find the lines that make your report too wide. Some of the lines the report generator puts into a new report are a bit hard to detect because they are very close to the gray boundary descriptions. I always point, click and drag the clicked mouse from inside the section to inside the gray boundary bar. If then there are line-handles then these are responsible for making it impossible to make your report fit on one page. ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1993 11:30:37 CET Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "Hilger Martin Dr." Subject: Wishes for Access 2.0 .) Better keystroke-behaviour when editing a field in a table or property-list: HOME should jump to the beginning of the contents, END to the end. LEFT, RIGHT should make it possible to "walk" through the contents (just like in the editing-line of Excel). .) Sometimes it can be quite annoying to find a field in a report after having changed field-names in underlying tables. Access expects me to enter parameters but what I'd like to have is: a) a possibility to synchronize changes between tables and dependent reports, forms or b) a way to search for fields in reports/forms. .) include Access Basic commands for administration of users and groups or having documented System-Tables so that I don't have to use the built-in Menu-commands. I would need it i.e. for building tables/queries for listboxes so that certain users can see just certain options. Now I would have to use the built-in dialogs for the rights and then still have to edit the tables that are dependent from groups. If there are workarounds for some of these problems please let me know... Regards Martin ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1993 07:20:10 -0700 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Myles Leitch Subject: De-subscribe In-Reply-To: <9304280951.AA18800@unixg.ubc.ca> Oops. Lost the address of the list coordinator. Please de-subscribe me since I will be away from my office for 6 weeks. Sorry to clog the airways with this. Myles Leitch Linguistics Department UBC Vancouver. ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1993 10:56:00 EST Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: JOSE Subject: Subscription Subscribe Jose Payamps to Microsoft Access Mailing List Thanks Jose Payamps ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1993 08:36:52 -0700 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Dustin Kassman Subject: Re: Wishes for Access 2.0 For those that do not know, Microsoft has two email addresses for reporting Access bugs or suggestions. They are: To report bugs or problems in Microsoft Access: ACCBUG@microsoft.com To provide feedback for future versions of Access: ACC-WHISH@microsoft.com Dustin Kassman dhk@cv.hp.com ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1993 08:22:58 CDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Mark Armitage Subject: Graph Tool Sorry if you've all seen this before, but as I haven't heard a squeak out of anyone, I'm beginning to wonder if this message made it to the list. Let me know if the questions unclear. If I don't hear anything, I'll have to brave Microsoft's tech support line :-( - Hey, I wonder if I can put them on my MCI Friends and Family Plan! ------ Message Repeated -------- I haven't seen any questions on graphs, so either no-one's using them, or I'm doing something stupid. I suspect the latter. I'm trying to create a graph that changes from record to record, like the "Sales by Product" example in the Northwind Database. The only difference (that I can see) is that my graphs will have several lines on. Carrying on with the Northwind analogy, it would be like having a separate line for each salesperson who sold the product. So, I've done this: 1. Create the form which includes the field that I want to use to "link" to the graph [product ID]. 2. Create a query which includes all the fields I want to plot, for example, [date], [amount of sale], [salesperson], plus the field I am going to link with, ([product ID]). 3. Create a graph in the form using the graph tool. Step 3 is where things go horribly wrong. If I set the graph up so that it just shows a single line that shows all sales for the product (ie I don't include [salesperson] in the list of things to graph), then it all works fine. If I include [saleperson] in the list of things to graph (with the intention of getting one line for each salesperson), then I am not given the option of linking [product ID] on the form with [product ID] in the query. The [product ID] just doesn't appear in the right hand box when I am asked to specify the fields to link. So, what am I doing wrong, and more generally, what do you need to do to make the graph tool let you create graphs with multiple lines on each graph ? Thanks for any suggestions. Mark Armitage ma@tadpole.com ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1993 10:52:12 EST Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Nathan Brindle Organization: IUPUI Student Activities Office (317) 274-3931 Subject: Re: Subscription In-Reply-To: Message of Wed, 28 Apr 1993 10:56:00 EST from Administrative Note: If you need to stop your mail for a period of time, rather than unsubscribing, you may send the command SET ACCESS-L NOMAIL to LISTSERV@INDYCMS.BITNET. To re-start your mail when you return, send the command SET ACCESS-L MAIL to LISTSERV@INDYCMS.BITNET. If you really need to unsubscribe (losing your account for some reason, for instance), send the command UNSUB ACCESS-L to LISTSERV@INDYCMS.BITNET. For a complete rundown on LISTSERV commands, please send the command SENDME LISTSERV REFCARD to LISTSERV@INDYCMS.BITNET. Thanks, Nathan Brindle List Administrator -----------------------------------------------------BITNET: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS Nathan C. Brindle, Student Activities Office Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis Staff Advisor, ALPHA PHI OMEGA, TAU OMICRON CHAPTER List Administrator, STUACTS@INDYCMS, APOSEC52@INDYCMS, and ACCESS-L@INDYCMS Internet: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS.IUPUI.EDU or NBRINDLE@INDYVAX.IUPUI.EDU ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1993 09:46:02 -0700 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "Richard Brown (dickb)" Subject: FW: Wishes for Access 2.0 Just to correct a typo, it's: acc-wish@microsoft.com for feedback on features. ---------- From: Dustin Kassman To: Multiple recipients of list ACCESS-L Subject: Re: Wishes for Access 2.0 Date: Wednesday, April 28, 1993 08:36 For those that do not know, Microsoft has two email addresses for reporting Access bugs or suggestions. They are: To report bugs or problems in Microsoft Access: ACCBUG@microsoft.com To provide feedback for future versions of Access: ACC-WHISH@microsoft.com Dustin Kassman dhk@cv.hp.com ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1993 18:49:18 -0600 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Michael Ritter Subject: unsubcribe delete me from the group. Thank you for all of the good information and letters will wish you all well. ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 29 Apr 1993 11:58:04 BST Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "Anne L Zorner R27.G5/" Subject: re graph SQL Support Section (SQS) Mail ALZ@UK.AC.RL.IB =============================================================== Not that I can offer any help but .. I did try to do the same sort of thing as I think you are suggesting and it failed for me as well. I was hoping to get back to it soon....! PS I did try and use our forward facility yesterday to reply to your note but it seems that that does not work still. Its a real pain to have to come out of our mail inbasket facility in order to reply to problems! Thankyou =============================================================== ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1993 08:33:00 PDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Detlef Schwenke Subject: using an index Hi there, using dBase IV I can create multiple Indexes, open (use) the database and switch between the indexes (set order to..). I am able to create indexes in Access, but how do I use them in a form (set order to ..)? The online-Help explains the use of an index only in tables but not in forms. Thanks for hints (RTFM too). Detlef Schwenke E-Mail: Schwenke@DMRHRZ11.bitnet or Philipps-University Marburg Schwenke@Mailgate.Wiwi.Uni-Marburg.De Universitaetsstr. 25 Phone: +49-06421-283748 W-3550 Marburg Fax: +49-06421-284858 Germany ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1993 09:19:10 EDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Gerry Roston Subject: Problem - Highlighting list entry After a long silence, maybe some one is still out there... I am developing an applicaiton that uses multiple forms for data inputs. I also want to use the same forms for editing the data. The top of each form has a list box showing the other available forms and a button, that when pushed, switches to that other form. When the new form is opened, it checks to see which mode is required, data entry or edit existing data. In the former case, a DoMenuItem is issued and it set Records to DataEntry. In the latter case it issues a DoMenuItem and set Records to EditingAllowed. Now here's the problem: In data entry mode, the above mentioned list box works fine. Swithing between forms works. However, in edit mode, clicking on the box fails to highlight the item. I tried using the OnEnter property to set DataEntry, but this option is not available. Can some one please suggest how I might solve this problem. -- Gerry Roston (gerry@cmu.edu) | All national institutions of churches, Field Robotics Center, | whether Jewish, Christian, or Turkish, Carnegie Mellon University | appear to me no other than human Pittsburgh, PA, 15213 | inventions, set up to terrify and enslave (412) 268-3856 | mankind, and monopolize power and profit. | Thomas Paine The opinions expressed are mine | and do not reflect the official | position of CMU, FRC, RedZone, | or any other organization. | ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1993 09:05:09 EST Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: reese%ccmailgw@UUNET.UU.NET Subject: unsubscribe Please remove my subscription to the ACCESS-L list. Don Reese reese@pdn.paradyne.com ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1993 09:05:06 EST Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: reese@PARADYNE.COM Subject: Unsubscribe Please Remove from from the mailing list Don Reese reese@pdn.paradyne.com ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1993 09:10:06 EST Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: reese@PARADYNE.COM Subject: Re[2]: unsubscribe Thanks, The mail I am receiving is comming from ACCESS-L%INDYCMS.BITNET@uga.cc.uga.edu after all. It does seem strange in that I sent my unsubscribe to the same address as the subscribe request. Will send another request to the list and I hope that solves it. Don Reese ============================================================ Hi! I could not find you in the mailing list. Could it be that you are subscribed to ACCESS-L or one of the other sub-lists instead of MS-ACCESS? Regards Martin Hilger MS-ACCESS List Admin ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1993 09:52:44 EST Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Nathan Brindle Organization: IUPUI Student Activities Office (317) 274-3931 Subject: Re: Re[2]: unsubscribe In-Reply-To: Message of Fri, 30 Apr 1993 09:10:06 EST from Folks, please! I am receiving too many requests to unsubscribe that could be handled by the subscribers themselves if they would just take the time to follow the instructions I sent out the other day. (The following applies only to those who are directly subscribed to ACCESS-L@INDYCMS.) To UNSUBSCRIBE: Send the command UNSUB ACCESS-L to LISTSERV@INDYCMS.BITNET . To set mail off for a short period: Send the command SET ACCESS-L NOMAIL to LISTSERV@INDYCMS.BITNET . If you are not directly subscribed to the list, please contact the administrator of your local redistribution net. If you are not sure whether or not you are directly subscribed, send the command REV ACCESS-L to LISTSERV@INDYCMS.BITNET and you will be sent a copy of the list. Sending an unsubscribe command to the list is not unlike trying to turn out a light by talking to the bulb! Thanks for your help. Nathan Brindle List Administrator, ACCESS-L -----------------------------------------------------BITNET: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS Nathan C. Brindle, Student Activities Office Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis Staff Advisor, ALPHA PHI OMEGA, TAU OMICRON CHAPTER List Administrator, STUACTS@INDYCMS, APOSEC52@INDYCMS, and ACCESS-L@INDYCMS Internet: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS.IUPUI.EDU or NBRINDLE@INDYVAX.IUPUI.EDU ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1993 07:17:07 -0700 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: John von Colditz Subject: Re: using an index In-Reply-To: <199304300632.AA06613@halcyon.com> from "Detlef Schwenke" at Apr 30, 93 08:33:00 am Detlef, I assume that by using an index in a form, you mean ordering the data which underlies the form. If the data is in a table, you set the Index property, as you mentioned. Note well, that if you want to set the index to the primary key, you have to use Table.Index = "PrimaryKey". If you want to use index 2 you use Table.Index = "Index2". Silly, but it works. To order a dynaset or snapshot which underlie a form, you use the Sort property. See page 444 in the language manual, or look at online help for the syntax. Good luck, John ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1993 10:33:21 EDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Rick Wolf Subject: Re: unsubscribe q q ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1993 11:00:24 PDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "Kevin L. Gross" Subject: Unsubscribe Please remove me from the list. Thanks. klg@statsci.com ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1993 14:36:07 EDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Joe Svitak Subject: Re: Unsubscribe In-Reply-To: Message of Fri, 30 Apr 1993 11:00:24 PDT from Kevin: Send the line "unsubscribe access-l" in a mail message to the e-mail address listserv@indycms.bitnet to remove yourself from this list. Thank you. Joe Svitak Bitnet address: JJSGC@CUNYVM.BITNET Internet address: JJSGC@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1993 20:31:43 EST Reply-To: ACCESS-L@INDYCMS.BITNET Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Comments: Resent-From: Nathan Brindle From: Nathan Brindle This came to me as an error. THe error was caused by header lines from the original message left in the reply. Please remove extra header lines from the body of messages when your reply includes the original message. >From: "Brian M. Glasgow" >Organization: MU Dept of Veterinary Med. & Surg. >Date: 30 Apr 93 11:11:50 CST >Subject: Re: using an index > Hi there, > using dBase IV I can create multiple Indexes, open (use) the database and > switch between the indexes (set order to..). I am able to create indexes in > Access, but how do I use them in a form (set order to ..)? The online-Help > explains the use of an index only in tables but not in forms. **You could tie the Form to a QUERY that is sorted in the desired **index order. This is easy and quite flexible. Good Luck,,Brian -----------------------------------------------------BITNET: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS Nathan C. Brindle, Student Activities Office Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis Staff Advisor, ALPHA PHI OMEGA, TAU OMICRON CHAPTER List Administrator, STUACTS@INDYCMS, APOSEC52@INDYCMS, and ACCESS-L@INDYCMS Internet: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS.IUPUI.EDU or NBRINDLE@INDYVAX.IUPUI.EDU ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 30 Apr 1993 20:37:42 EST Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Comments: W: Invalid RFC822 field - "Reply-ToL ". Rest of header flushed. Comments: E: "From:"/"Sender:" field is missing. From: Undetermined origin c/o Postmaster >From: "Brian M. Glasgow" >Organization: MU Dept of Veterinary Med. & Surg. >Date: 30 Apr 93 11:07:47 CST >Subject: Re: Problem - Highlighting list entry > After a long silence, maybe some one is still out there... > > I am developing an applicaiton that uses multiple forms for data > inputs. I also want to use the same forms for editing the data. The > top of each form has a list box showing the other available forms and > a button, that when pushed, switches to that other form. When the new > form is opened, it checks to see which mode is required, data entry or > edit existing data. In the former case, a DoMenuItem is issued and it > set Records to DataEntry. In the latter case it issues a DoMenuItem > and set Records to EditingAllowed. > > Now here's the problem: In data entry mode, the above mentioned list > box works fine. Swithing between forms works. However, in edit mode, > clicking on the box fails to highlight the item. I tried using the > OnEnter property to set DataEntry, but this option is not available. > > Can some one please suggest how I might solve this problem. > > >You may want to abondon using to same form twice idea and just > >use two forms. This is easily accomplished by copying the > >original INPUT to the clipboard and pasting it back as the EDIT > > form -- Good Luck,, Brian -----------------------------------------------------BITNET: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS Nathan C. Brindle, Student Activities Office Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis Staff Advisor, ALPHA PHI OMEGA, TAU OMICRON CHAPTER List Administrator, STUACTS@INDYCMS, APOSEC52@INDYCMS, and ACCESS-L@INDYCMS Internet: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS.IUPUI.EDU or NBRINDLE@INDYVAX.IUPUI.EDU ------------------------------------------------------------------------------